
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

How to Accelerate Internet Connection

Posted on 10:38 PM by outsider


I. Composing bandwidth settings in windows
Basically the windows OS has limited bandwidth for Internet connection as much as 20% of the total bandwidth should be maximum, if you want to increase Internet bandwidth connections so that faster and faster can be a way to reduce or clear the bandwidth limitation is that on Windows we can be a maximum in using existing bandwidth.

Follow the instructions as below:

1. Click Start
2. Click Run
3. Type gpedit.msc
4. Then click Ok
5. Once entered click Administrative Templates
6. Then Click on Network
7. Once open click QoS Packet scheduler
8. Then click on Limit Reservable Bandwidth
9. And after the open change the setting to Enable
10. Then change bandwidth limit to 0
11. Click Apply, ok
12. Then exit and restart the computer

II. Use the DNS from OpenDNS for faster Internet connections and more secure.

1. Click Start
2. Click Control Panel
3. Select Network & Internet Connection
4. Click Network Connection
5. Right-click Local Area Connection select Properties
6. Select Internet Protocol (TCP / IP) then click Properties
7. Click Use Following DNS Server
8. Fill with Preferred DNS Server with numbers:
9. Fill in the Alternate DNS server with numbers:
10. Then Click OK

III. If you use Firefox browser use the Fasterfox add on, can be downloaded here.

Fasterfox is an add on that works to speed up connections by optimizing the network and browser cache. The function of the cache is to store data temporarily from the website that we visit, so that when we reopen that site its loading process will be faster because the data has been stored in the cache.

Several optimizations can be done by Fasterfox is: HTTP pipelining, memory caching, disk caching, DNS caching, caching Fastback.

IV. For Firefox users, please install Adblock

Its function is to filter the ads that do not need when we are browsing, so that the process will be faster loading and maximum.

According to the article, there are several ways to improve internet access kecepetan them with a browser setting, use OpenDNS or use Google Web Accelerator.

Setting via OpenDNS itself is actually much doubted whether it could make a quick connection or ga no influence anything, you try to read his polemic on the forum. While the Google Web Accelerator is designed if you are using a broadband connection such as cable and DSL, but for dial-up (eg, instant or speedy telkomnet) can also speed up connections. To use Google Web Accelerator you must meet the following criteria must be Windows XP operating system or browser windows 2000 and it should be (at least) IE 5.5 + or Mozilla Firefox 1.0 +. if for other browsers also can but must configure the proxy settingsnya from your browser by adding on HTTP. After installation, the Google web accelerator will display a small icon on the browser and the icon tray at the lower corner of the desktop screen.

For help on Browser Settings, please follow this cara2:

Internet Explorer users:

1. Select the [Tools]
2. Select [Internet Options]
3. Click the [General] tab
4. In the option "Temporary Internet Files" click [Settings] and then move the slider it


Fast internet connection is everyone's dream, such a pretty girl who is everyone's dream. :-) Back to speed up internet connection problems, but these tips apply only to that in the cafe only and warnetnya use Mozzila Firefox as a browser. goal is to speed up internet connection on our computers suck up bandwidth with other computers in a cafe. sly's also this tip but it does not matter, especially in the cafe that was full and all computers slow, so this way we can use. so our internet connections became faster and the other was a little slow. kalo cafe again her full all slow, so it will not be on notice. Okeh I will tell to you, here's how to speed up internet connection in the cafe:

1. In the address bar Mozzila type about: config and then will be seen that a lot of writing

2. Fasilitan Use ctrl + f to search for words, said that in the search are as follows and the fox

* Network.http.pipelining; False <- click 2 times to change "False" to "True" * Network.http.pipelining.maxrequests; 4 <- click 2 times to change "4" to "30" * Network.http.proxy.pipelining; False <- click 2 times to change "False" to "True" 3. Then right click in the blank / white continue to choose new and then continue to the first column input integer nglayout.initialpaint.delay then press enter one time and input the number 0 and press enter again. 4. Mozzila reboot firefoxnya 5. Happy surfing ria quickly, because the bandwidth will be sucked into your computer, this is the was tips speed internet connection in the cafe. TUTORIAL TIPS 4 Do not inconceivable that our connection is very fast, we will only use Tunneling technique. Basically, if we access a server (website), our computer is directed directly to the server. For example we will open a web page server located in America, then our computer direct access to the server. Or more simply if we inging take something that exists in America then we must go alone to America. Bergitu complexities unimaginable to our trip we passed, so many obstacles that we face. Likewise the world of networking. Tunneling techniques as well as delivery techniques with the help of couriers. If we are going to send or take goods to America then we do not have to do it yourself, let the courier service that does all the complexities and obstacles faced for the goods had been able to get to the destination. Tunneling Likewise, when we access a page webiste then our computer will only ask for assistance from a server to deliver and retrieve the page after page of the website that we are headed. In addition, tunnel server will compress the data we need, because that's our internet connection as a whole will rise. Simplify? But then the question arises, whether this be free? Can ya can not. Now many tunnel servers that provide this facility, eg Nitro, Toonel (dot) Net, TrafficCompressor, Onspeed and many others. Gratiskah them? Obviously not, the speed they offer must be redeemed by muahal alias paid. Then why should I write this? Yes because I wanted to share the tunnel server is FREE. Well let's discuss how to connect your computer to tunnel server which is free, but there are a few things to note before discussing. 1. Your computer must be connected to the Internet. 2. Tunnel technique is suitable for those who use the internet connection with GPRS, but can also to other types of connections. 3. Must have been installed tunneling software, for example putty, please download on the right of the blog (DEHAFILE). Follow these steps: 1. Download PuTTY, see the link to the right (DEHAFILE) 2. Extract using WinRAR and save PuTTY.exe in C: WINDOWS 3. Let PuTTY slept there, do not activated 4. Click the Start Menu => Run and enter "putty-P 222-N-D 9999-C" without the quotation marks (") after the DOS window will open.
5. When asked the password, type "cepat123" without the quotation marks (") and Enter, but do not be surprised when you enter the password could not see anything, so you must be careful to enter the password, if one then PuTTY will tell you, if it is wrong again then PuTTY will terminate (close). If after entering the password PuTTY no reaction (only the cursor down) then you are correct
6. Point your browser to use SOCKS proxy on localhost, port 9999 (see picture below)
7. Happy browsing with a new speed, but remember, give thanks to the Harry Diamond because it was kind enough to lend his server is in Singapore for Tunneling, hopefully in reply to his good deeds by Allah SWT.
8. Tutorials This is Mandatory & Must: Have Server For Tunneling. Free Server Tunneling can be found at the Internet / From Your Own Server.


Last longer idly browsing eh nemu tips on this one, how does the setting and the actual workings of the utilization of this cahe??. This is a way to speed up internet connection that smart.

Cache actually functioning so that we are using a browser that we no longer need to load the files that previously had us download (web we've ever visited, well in this way we can save a large cache, and there are also development block trojan again. mantab deh his principal.

For the cache storage size can be unlimited depending on your hard drive large loads. So to enlarge the cache could be to your liking.

There are some configurations that do to perform this way, his steps were as follows:

1. Click the tool on the internet explorer menu, click Internet Options

2. On the Connection tab, click LAN Settings

3. Proxy Server given a check, fill in the address " & Set of ports, eg "8080?

4. Click ok

5. On the advanced tab, look at the tree HTTP 1.1 settings, check:
- Use HTTP 1.1
- Use HTTP 1.1 through proxy connection

6. Click ok

For those who use the Internet through dial-up access, how the setting:

1. Click the tool on the internet explorer menu, click Internet Options

2. On the Connection tab, frames, Dial-UP and Private Network Settings, click Settings

3. Proxy Server given a check, fill in the address " & Set of ports, eg "8080?

4. Click ok

5. On the advanced tab, look at the tree HTTP 1.1 settings, check:
- Use HTTP 1.1
- Use HTTP 1.1 through proxy connection

6. Click ok

For those who use mozilla firefox is also settingannya the Tool Menu, Sub menu Option, Network connection, click settings, Proxy Server was given a check, fill in the address " & Set port this tool, eg "8080? and click ok.

Now for the next need also additional applications that can be downloaded here.

Your internet connection slow? Please try Onspeed 6.0.9 software, this software can increase your internet speed up to 10 times! (Dial-up - 10x Faster, Broadband - 5x Faster, Mobile connections - 8x Faster). I personally do not use this software (as long as it continues to use the connection via Internet cafe), but so-so you are trying to (put your comments yes ... if this software really works what does not)

Below are some other software that you can use to improve the speed of your Internet browsing:

- Flash Speed 200%
Flash Speed 200% is an Internet accelerator That help you optimize your Internet connection speed 200% or more. The software changes Some Windows settings to give you faster performance, and optimize your Internet connection speed 200% or more According to your computer. It support optimiz Dial-Up, Lan, Cable, ADSL, HDSL, VDSL and PPPoE connections up to 200% faster. Increase your download speeds.

Download Flash Speed 200%

- CFosSpeed
This Tool To Speed Up Internet Access Connections Matches Create lemot (Compresson Traffic System)

Download cFosSpeed

- DSL Speed
DSL Speed is a prefessional tool That will from online optimize your
DSL (eg, ADSL, G.lite, IDSL, SDSL) connection speed to MAX.
Main Features:
Online optimize your DSL (ADSL) connection speed.
Auto verify your ISP's MTU and your DSL (ADSL) unique optimize
Faster loading Web Pages.
Tweaks DNS Errors Caching In Windows 2000/XP.
Tweaks ICS In Windows 98SE.

Download DSL Speed

- Internet Turbo
Software to increase internet speed

Download Internet Turbo

- Modem booster
Software to speed up the performance of Modem

Download modem booster

- Firefox Ultimate Optimizer
Software for optiamasi Firefox Browser

Download Firefox Ultimate Optimizer

- Fasterfox
Add-ons for the Firefox browser. Once installed Fasterfox finished, restart your Firefox. Sign when Fasterfox is installed in Firefox you are going to have a small fox image on the right side under your Firefox.

Download the add-on FasterFox

- Google Web Accelerator
Signs GoogleWebAccelerator if already installed on your web browsing is a will there is a small clock image on your web browsing. GoogleWebAccelerator will show how much time was saved by using GoogleWebAccelerator.

Download Google Web Accelerator

- FullSpeed2.7

Dramatically speed up your existing Internet broadband connection and get the best performance possible from your current Internet connection. Full Speed will of increase of your online Internet speed with everything you do: faster downloading, web browsing and web page loading, data streaming, email, P2P and gaming. Full Speed will of improv Also the performance of business communications technologies Including the which utilise Broadband Remote Desktop sessions, Intranets and Extranets over VPN's and WANs. One click it's done, no questions or any knowledge is required. Full Speed has a 'Clean' Award from Softpedia Confirming That it is completely Spyware FREE. Full Speed Also has no banners, popups, adverts, contracts, Subscriptions, viruses or malware of any kind. Free performance testing software is Also included for testing and comparison of download speeds and Web browsing performance.

Download Full Speed

DNS stands for Domain Name Server. Function DNS translates domain names into IP numbers row. For example if we will open the url or requesting specific domains, usually we use the row names or letters because they are more easily memorized like,,, and so forth.

Well this is where the DNS is working. DNS is to encode or translate from the domain into the form of a unique series of numbers in the form of its IP ie Ip is So when we enter on the browser will also be open the domain. Rows of IP numbers such as IP is the machine used the Internet to communicate with each other as the Domain Server, Server Hosting, Server Proxy, and so forth.

So what relationship control with our internet access speed?

In addition to tricks and tips on posting speed internet access and Using Proxy and tweaking on borwser. We can also use this alternate DNS to speed up our internet access.

Basically all the ISPs (Internet Service Provider) or internet connection service providers such as Indosat, Telkomsel, Telkom, and so uses or has the DNS Server tersendiri.Server control an ISP or Internet provider must also have the ability, speed, speseifikasi, and the old cache tersediri .

Sometimes this DNS server as dense Traffic Drop an ISP's DNS server. Resulting in slow query or request process. So if there is interference on an ISP's DNS server, so when we will open a website using a browser like mozilla, Firefox, Opera, Flock, Safari and so forth, it is rather slow even occur confirmation or not Found error on our browser. As was often the case in Telkom Speedy few moments ago.

Although the ISP or Internet provider that we use has its own DNS server in fact we can also use the ISP's DNS server or use another carrier. So this DNS server can be used for all types of ISP that we use.

Here are the steps or way to change the DNS settings on windows:

Control panel> Network Connections>>> Right-click the Internet connection account that is active / connected>>> Properties>>> Networking>> Internet Protocol>>> Properties>> Rate Alert on Use the Following DNS server addresses>> > DNS entries you select>> Click Ok

Setting up DNS on windows

Accelerating Internet Access Internet Access Using DNS alternatifMempercepat Using DNS alternative

Birthdays Restart your Internet connection, changes will happen after you reboot your Internet connection.

Please select the following alternative DNS server, use the DNS that you feel is most rapid on your internet connection.

List DNS Server Indonesia:

Server DNS including DNS Indosat IM2


DNS Telkom Speedy


DNS AWARI (Indonesian Warnet Association)







Singapore Singnet








Sign DNS Outside Indonesia:



DNS ScrubIt


DNS DNSadvantage

* vnsc


Verizon (Reston, VA, U.S.)


GTE (Irving, TX, U.S.)


One Connect IP (Albuquerque, NM, U.S.)


OpenDNS (San Francisco, CA, U.S.)


Exetel (Sydney, AU)


VRx Network Services (New York, NY, U.S.)


Speakeasy (Seattle, WA, U.S.)


Sprintlink (Overland Park, KS, U.S.)


Cisco (San Jose, CA, U.S.)

* 128 107 241 185


Some control can not be used to access a specific FTP and Web sites blocked by the DNS server.

Now let us continue the discussion Toonel ago have not been completed due to too long. hehehe In this article the discussion will be devoted to accelerate the same time saving your Internet surfing using a free software / games are: (bandwidth compression software).

It is commonly accepted that the internet CDMA in Indonesia is not yet as fast Internet connection using Cable, Broadband, and Satellite which incidentally is still 'relatively' expensive subscription fee. Internet CDMA is 'relatively' cheap, but many operators semisalnya StarOne (which now HW still use as well), apply a DO NOT PACKAGE PACKAGE UNLIMITED-b-with another. It was in the early months of promotion to Rp200 rb already be unlimited as much, then do not need to confuse the problem of bandwidth.

However, unlimited package is now gone. That leaves just select the package with Rp100 rb StarOne get 350MB of bandwidth quota or Rp200 rb dapetnya 1 GB bandwidth quota. The rest of it when there is excess usage> yes of course PAY!! per MB it .. Waahhh deh so swollen bills.

Of course, if the internet cuman to chat 2x 'only' must include efficient bandwidth use cdma connection, but the difference if you frequently DOWNLOAD files-files that BueSaaaR Large, movies on youtube for example, ato open friendster photo-filled with photos and movies that have not spread musik2nya again mounted along with the ads and flash animated gif that adaaa ... AND it done every day, bandwidth usage Wah often really out of control!

KEEP happening is a cost to swell when the envelope of your Internet bill bill was sent home.

Well .. of course if we want to try to be creative, the problems above can be overcome. By using compression software bandwidth, saving bandwidth quota we can do. Actually, how does this process of bandwidth compression software that can mengghemat your bandwidth quota?

What is software Toonel?

Toonel is similar bandwidth compression software ONSPEED, (the previous discussion on the article Tweak Browsing Internet Speed 10x - Broadband-CDMA-Dial-Up with Bandwidth Compression). But surely there are other differences in the installation or use. When paying the ONSPEED software, and you do not need to bother in the user settings, the software requires that you install this Toonel Java Runtime in advance and prepare the setting-settingannya first.

HOW Toonel?
Here's a summary of its web official explanation about ( allows you to compress virtually any TCP / IP traffic. If you wish to use the service for web browsing then please set the Following HTTP, HTTPS and FTP proxy settings for the connection you wish to use: port 8080. Please refer to your system help on how to change the proxy settings. The above links May Also be useful and shows how to configure to perform certain applications. The client application must be running all time you are accessing theInternet Pls.

Note: If you have a personal firewall running you May need to allow Java Internet access.

Image quality
Starting from version client allows to control quality of JPEG images. You can degrade images to Achieve Better compression by setting percentage of the original quality.Starting client from version Also allows to control quality of GIF images by reducing the color palette of the original image.To change image quality using version 0.0 .50.45 select " configuration on the Mapping pane. To change the image quality using version and above select the Web pane.

>> So similar to the workings of the ONSPEED software, which do pengkompressan to the quality of images displayed on your browser. So indirectly there by saving bandwidth while ACCELERATE the process of loading pages that you will open.

Toonel is a FREE software / Free because of the open source category. Because using Java Runtime Environment, so if used on your computer requires penyettingan first before use of course.

STEP Toonel 2x using software on your PC:

> PREPARATION: (download the installer required)
1. Please download the Java Runtime Environment first, because the java-based Toonel ..

NB: Experience HW, if you are frequently disconnected internet / dc you better download a JAVA 'offline' 13.9 MB (Full)
than the 7.1 MB 'online' (installation via conn online again).

2. If so, download its software compression Toonel ..
in: for 120K aja.

1. Shut down your browser first.

2. Install Java Runtime Environmentnya first.

3. Toonel then Install it.

>>> When it's installed properly> his way SETTING: (setting of the browser Mozilla Firefox

1. Log the menu Tools> Options> Advanced
2. Select the tab "Network"
3. In the Connection section select "Settings ..."
4. In the window 'Connection Settings' content 'Manual Proxy Configuration'> contents of the HTTP Proxy to and port 8080
5. Done, Restart your browser.
6. Toonel ready for use.

>>>> Toonel in turn: Ready to process the pages that you browse, following the results of screenshot / PrintScreen this software if it is working properly the status of 'running':

tweak internet speed bandwidth with compression software Toonel

Here's a screenshot if already compressing bandwidth:

tweak internet speed - Toonel screenshots

If you want to use software like this Toonel but paid relatively 'cheap' but rather 'simple' (not necessarily the settings again) you can read the postings previous article, using the ONSPEED software.

So, Toonel / ONSPEED? It's up to you. Equally good. And of course if you do not try yourself suitable internet connection and state of your pc, then the complete lack of taste hehehe. Onspeed why but there is also a FREE 14 days trial only. Please read the previous article.

Ok, Look forward to posting articles that are different then onspeed / Toonel, certainly no less terrible, the use of software 'cFosSpeed' to speed up internet speed CDMA / other dial-up slow.

Tweak this Master Program will increase the speed of your browsing and download speeds. This software can also be used on any type of connection eg dial up, DSL, Cable, or Wireless.
Tweak Master Pro Master ProTweak

After you install this program, then you run the program. Later the program will recommend a suitable setting for their own computer and your connection type. By providing multiple choice questions when it comes to optimization settings of your Internet connection speed.

You also can set its own to your liking, to get the maximum download speed.

Download Program Tweak Master Pro + Keygen:

op internet accelerator (According to PC Magazine), a network settings optimizer to speed up your existing Dial-Up Modem, DSL, Cable, Wireless, LAN, High-speed Internet connections.

Speed Internet connects accelerators have mereleased latest version of v7.5! With the addition of new fiture fiture-and repair the increasingly make this software work well and effectively. According to PC Magazine, now Speed Connect Internet Accelerator program is one of the best Internet Accelerator program.

SpeedConnect Internet Accelerator is a software created for the Internet connection to optimize and speed up our internet connection while browsing, open emails, downloads, uploads, and when playing games online is also an online talk voice.


* Optimizes all internet connection types
* User friendly
* Quick Optimizer option
* Advanced Customization
* Tool and Wizards
* Load / Save Settings
* Optimization Report
* Connection Analyzer


* Faster Internet connection
* Browse Faster
* Send and receive e-mail Faster
* Download and upload files Faster
* Play online games Faster
* Improve Skype connection
* NO adware, NO hardware installation
* NO service subscription, NO monthly fees
* NO new hardware installation

Speed Connect Internet Accelerator

And the main features of the program is also because in order to optimize our internet connection he works fast, simple and easy (Wizards)

From official website "" to be able to use this software Full Version then we have some dollars out of $ 29.95. But in then you can get and use this software because it was prepared Full Version Crack-a free for you

Setup Speed Connect Internet Accelerator Speed Connect Internet Accelerator v7.5 (1.9 Mb)

Carck Speed Connect Internet Accelerator Speed Connect Internet Accelerator v7.5 (525 kb)

Pass RAR:

*** UPDATE ***

Since the number of comments and questions from visitors from d60pc member2 and websites that difficulties in installing the software on this one, then I will update this post by giving cara2 in the install process

1. Download this program from the link above that berupda: SpeedConnect75Setup.exe
2. Download any file Cra * k Kegen you can download also above
3. Start the Installation Process on a file to finish SpeedConnect75Setup.exe
4. Then on the File Crack-SpeedConnect75.rar, you first extract using password:
5. Then the files contained therein, namely: SpeedConnect Internet Accelerator.exe and SpeedConnectStartUp.exe dicopykan into the directory = C: \ Program Files \ CBS Software \ SpeedConnect Internet Accelerator
6. Then run the file keygen.exe how to install speed SpeedConnect the connect internet accelerator
7. Enter your email address, then> Generate
8. Run Program SpeedConnect Internet Accelerator.exe previously installed
9. When you first run then prompted to enter a Code aka Activatasi how to install speed the connect internet accelerator
10. Enter the activation data2 we have previously made earlier
11. Then> Continue
12. Finish

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